The REAL Truth About Amy Sangster & Robert Himler

My policy on responding to negativity has and always will be the same- ignore it. In recent times however, it seems that there are some facts that need to be presented that prior to this article, have caused much speculation and debate. This article contains the necessary information to put an end to all of this nonsense, and also a little advice to those devoting their lives to trying to bring me/us/other successful people down.

Let’s treat this like an FDN (similar to FAQ’s, but standing for Frequently Discussed Nonsense).

FDN 1.
There is no way she could have money at her age. Takes money to make money. Her parents must have given it to her etc.

Anyone who has read our book Far From It will know that the reason I was able to fund my trading account at a young age was because I made a very decent amount of money in my teen years selling eBay products. My parents spilt up in a messy divorce when I was 15, and as a consequence I moved out with my mother who had to start over on a teachers salary (while supporting myself and my brother living at home at the time). Anyone claiming the statement in the FFI promo video is untrue (regarding not having rich parents), can now see they are wrong. Robert’s parents may be in a better situation than mine, but the statement meant that they were not the reason we are where we are today. Neither of us have received any funding from our parents.

FDN 2.
If she’s so good at trading and making money, she wouldn’t bother teaching others how to do the same for such a low price.

Essentially, what people with this opinion are implying is that no successful person could ever have good intentions and simply want to help others. Yes, I make good money trading, but it takes up less than 1% of my day. I’m not content going shopping and lazing around for the other 99%. I get a kick out of changing the way others think and making a positive difference in the world. I don’t believe in charging ridiculous amounts for education. If I charged $10,000 each course would these people be more satisfied that I had good intentions. I don’t think so. Shock horror- some people like helping others. With this logic these people could argue that if university professors or school teachers are so knowledgable, why do they bother teaching others for such little personal benefit? Maybe because that’s what they want to do?! There are some genuinely good people in the world with good intentions. While some have ulterior motives, not all do. All comments like FDN 2 tell me is that these people have been burned before and are spiteful, closed minded, negative people who are not likely to go very far in life. Nothing more.

FDN 3.
Far From it is a scam. She and Robert are scamming people.

We wrote a motivational book that many people were asking for, detailing our stories and included advice for others wanting a similar lifestyle. We also created a forum for our members, where we connect with everyone and help them out where needed. Let’s get this straight. We are not obligated to help other people. We didn’t have to spend months writing a book that was for the benefit of others. We wanted to. We charge a price, because our time is valuable, just like everyone else’s. It is not a get rich quick book. We never claim that if you do A,B and C you will be rich. We claim the opposite, that everyone needs to take their own path. People wanting to have success handed to them in a simple formula would be disappointed, of course. The formula is different for everyone, which we state in the book. We simply compiled information on our mindset and abilities which allowed us to get to the point we’re both at today and presented it in advice form for others. Oh and it has a 60 day money back guarantee- you mean if I have an issue I can get my money back?! Yep, what a scam. Bottom line: Anything self help related will be called a scam by those who are closed minded, or simply want a get rich quick strategy.

FDN 4.
Robert bought her Lambo for her. She’s with him for the money.

This one’s easy to debunk. Below is a picture of my car title clearly in the name of Sangster LLC. For those thinking of purchasing an exotic, it’s cheaper to set up an LLC in Montana, register your car there and pay no sales tax. Smart. I make money of my own and have never accepted anything from Robert, other than the gifts we both buy each other. While most are, not everyone is superficial. As much as the haters don’t want to hear or believe it, we fell in love because we think the same way and do amazing things together. End of story.

FDN 5.
She’s using sex to sell forex.

So no one that’s half good looking can trade? Solid claim there. Am I supposed to let myself go so my abilities are taken seriously. What a joke!

FDN 6.
The rich get richer etc etc.

Of course they do! They have a mindset that makes them money! What are they supposed to do, become poorer? No. There’s been studies carried out that show that if the world’s wealth was distributed evenly among everyone, over time, money would end up back in the hands of those that were wealthy prior to the change. Why? Because they know how to make money and they have a mindset that allows them to! Is this any reason to hate someone? No. It all comes down to the way people deal with jealousy.

Here’s some advice and insight into the way negative, cynical people think. It’s from our book, so consider it a free sample from my “scam”.

“With our videos and work online in a public setting, we’ve both encountered our fair share of haters. By haters, we’re talking about those who stop at nothing to put you down or belittle your craft. If you’re thinking of doing something outside the box, becoming even slightly successful or expressing any sort of opinion, get ready because they’re coming your way too! The more successful you become, the more haters you’ll face, so it’s important we take a look at why people behave this way.

“Haters don’t really hate you. They hate themselves because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.”

 The number one reason someone will try and put you down is because they are jealous of you. Why not use you as inspiration instead? Because it’s far easier to “hate” someone than it is to learn from them. We’ve discussed this concept before, but it’s important you understand that people rarely take the mature, logical approach. Instead they default to creating a justification as to why they aren’t in the same situation. If a hater can’t find a legitimate reason to put you down, they’ll make something up. There are examples of this all around us. Take a look at Justin Bieber for example.

He receives hate more than almost any celebrity we could think of. So let’s check out his stats to see why. He’s worth $112 million dollars. He’s been nominated for 107 music awards, and won 58 of them. He’s admired by girls all over the world and has a beautiful celebrity girlfriend. He owns a 10,000 square foot mansion in California, along with a Cadillac, Fisker Karma, customized Range Rover, Lamborghini, Ferrari and Porsche Turbo. Oh, and he’s 18 years old. 

Of course people hate him! How do you think a 56 year old office worker living paycheck to paycheck feels when confronted with an 18 year old kid who makes 100,000 times more than him in a year? My guess- not too crash hot! So it stands to reason that the more successful (and different) you are, the more people out there you’ll make uncomfortable, and the more hate you’ll receive.

The main thing to keep in mind is to never, ever let it affect you. If you do, you’re giving haters what they want. A sure way to beat them (and piss them off in the process) is to ignore them, work harder than ever before and be happy in the process. At the end of the day, they know who you are and you haven’t heard of them. That right there says it all.”

Now I realize that this will not stop the haters from hating, if anything it will make them even more spiteful knowing that everything I have and have done is legitimate, but I thought I’d present the above facts so people can make more informed decisions.

I also want to say a big thank you to the hundreds of people who email Robert and I each day saying we’ve helped them on the journey to a better life. You’re the reason we bother putting ourselves out there in the first place. If you witness any of the above FDN’s or similar popping up about the place, feel free to link to this article. We love you all and will continue to be there for you guys where ever we can. We are blessed to have such amazing lives and be in the position to motivate others in the capacity that we do, don’t think for a second that we take that lightly.

Robert has a few things he’d to clear up as well, so keep an eye on his blog.

Interested in hearing more about our stories. mindset and advice? Check out our book ===> http://FarFrom.It
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11 responses

  • Great post to rubbish the haters (although I bet some fools still won’t believe you!). It really is amazing how difficult it is for 95% of people to accept someone more successful than them, so like you say, the excuses or hate come out. “I’m from a poor family and because of the government, only the rich get richer” when in fact Branson, Jobs, Gates and so many other Of the worlds richest came from disadvantaged backgrounds and had to do everything themselves, because they had that mindset.

    I never hated those with more than me, if I saw someone with a supercar, it inspired me, and in fact I’ve even had some hate for my car, it’s only a BMW! When I was 17 I had an old Audi A3 so nothing like Robert at that age, and some morons shouted “how much was your dads car?!” straight away assuming it couldn’t have been mine! I’m now 21 and have been inspired by hate, as I’ve heard you comment people only try to bring you down because you’re above them, not saying I get much of it but I certainly get some jealousy over driving a decent car at a young age.

    As for Bieber, I was guilty of hating him I admit, but actually after reading FFI, I realised why and no longer do! I’m not a fan of his music at all, but I realise he’s a success and he’s been pretty smart to breed more success so now I just think well done!

    Anyway that’s my dollar in the hat, keep enjoying NZ and letting the haters hit your Teflon when they try shooting you down!

  • This was a great post Amy!

    It always astounds me, in fact sometimes it pisses me right off, that people who see successful people always go: Oh he/she has had luck or he/she came from money. Most of these people don’t stop and think – maybe this person has drive, ambition and determination etc. to make something of themselves. Through their hard work they achieved it! The other coin to that also is when people think: I can do the same their friends and family often are negative and say Nah you can’t so they believe it and follow the same path. People need to drop the negative shit out of their lives, plain and simple. I mean shit, I haven’t come from money or had a simple ride through life so far but have I let that get me down or stop me from achieving what I have so far?! – shit NO! If anything it drives me to succeed and have the life I want.

    Take a look at Steve Jobs – if you have read his auto-biography you would know that he was adopted to a working class family. Steve knew what he wanted to do and he worked his backside off to achieve it. He had his doubters and his haters, but he ignored them and away he went, created the most valuable company on the planet (2012 Apple market cap of over 600 billion!) Enough said! Would that be the case if Steve had listened to and accepted all the negativity – doubt it! Bill Gates did the same thing! There’s a pattern here, you just have to open your eyes a little.

    Amy and Robert I have this to say – f%&k the haters and doubters! You should not have to explain yourself to every Tom, Dick and Harry because a few jerks feel the need to bring you down and the others that support you and follow you. Maybe instead of being so negative and trolling they should wake up, take a good look in the mirror and fix what is wrong with their life. Maybe then, just maybe they will see the light and make a change. I think what you guys are doing is downright awesome! Not too many people open their lives up like you two do (web casts while sipping champers and answering ???, filming unreal car vids or blogging about your holiday so others can have an inside look at what you’re doing etc.).

    Keep it up guys – never ever let the negative shit take hold!

    Yours in awesomeness,


  • Hi Ames,

    Great to read some of your personal opinion on this. I can see you have channelled your energies well for this one – I can tell perhaps, you guys have had it a bit tight! (man I feel sorry for Justing B now, I never knew)

    Its interesting to note how many people have this dreadful and abreaction to wealth – the spite and the jealousy plus the pure belief passed around that your wealth has been handed down, or you’re having to sell your body – how ridiculous!!! People who are wealthy will become wealthy again. The law of attraction is a great read for people who are feeling this spite, anger, jealousy or other abreaction.

    The best bit? About passing on your education and not charging the earth for it :)
    Whilst you have every right to charge more than you do for the effort, work and knowledge that you guys have put in – some of my own best and most personal education came at a discounted rate, free and indeed was willingly given to me purely through having a good attitude, a positive frame of mind and being a genuine guy!! I had real concern for doing better for myself and I continue to adopt a learning frame of mind to self-educate more and more. How else would I, or anyone else expect to do better, by luck? We make our own luck!

    Its great to see how happy you guys are together. The photos are awesome!!
    Keep up the amazingly good work!! :)
    Loads love, Stu

  • Hey…don’t let the bas@#$$%s get you down. I checked out some of the recent criticism, and to be honest it looks like you have plenty of defenders, so be proud! ;) I think the reason why some people get provoked on BabyPips (this is where I found it) is because most traders on these sites are retail guys who are over 34 and not profitable or barely profitable. I wouldn’t say this to nearly anyone, but the reason why they are not profitable is because 1 they are no learning effectively and do not understand even the most basic trading 2 they are stupid and arrogant.

    Keep it up, no one gets to six figs twitter followers as a “scammer” (even if some help was brought down!)

  • Amy (and Rob),

    Some people don’t just get it. In Oz, we’ll refer to it as “the tall poppy syndrome” and the perceived need to find excuses to discredit those who’ve been before, succeeded and gotten on with the task (not job) of finding their balance in life.
    Whether you’re in the early 20’s, or a early-term Gen Xer like me, it’s healthy to hear from the “haters” from time to time. It make you realize you’ve done well and can reward yourself how you please and where it permits, be able to give back, be altruistic even.
    Reading the post, don’t mind if I add some personal feedback here and keep the message alive … don’t hate, be open to look at someone’s experiences and “have a good ol crack yourself. Get a knock back or knock down, dust yourself and get right back up.

    FDN 1 – There is no way she could have money at her age. Takes money to make money. Her parents must have given it to her etc.
    Ha! Let’s see, Forbes 400 self-made billionaires are all entrepreneurs who said no to college (uni for those in Oz). They did it themselves. On the flipside, those who did have money as a seed and succeeded, like James Packer etc, all had the drive to succeed and made that nest a much bigger one.
    Cudos to all. But, who gives a hot how it started, it’s the journey and where you are going to next that’s important.

    FDN 2 – If she’s so good at trading and making money, she wouldn’t bother teaching others how to do the same for such a low price.
    Another one not understood. Those who do well enjoy helping others do well. It’s engrained in your DNA. By succeeding by oneself, you succeed more by helping others succeed. Whether its trading Forex, helping a new venture or start up, teaching your parents to get on Facebook, etc, it’s not the cost of doing the work or business, it’s the opportunity cost you get back by seeing others challenge their status quo and getting FarFromIt!

    FDN 3 – Far From it is a scam. She and Robert are scamming people.
    Hmmm .. Best comments here is .. anyone hear of politicians? Whilst there are those out there doing good, there’s a mass populous who do “to coin the phrase” scam the voting public into action. And, if you think it’s a scam, then don’t get involved. Anyone with a decent BS radar gets it and turn the other way. Do your research haters and use that space between the ears to think, review and act.

    FDN 4 – Robert bought her Lambo for her. She’s with him for the money.
    Proof of title is enough.

    FDN 5 – She’s using sex to sell forex.
    Ha!, sorry, coughed on the evening latte! …. If I only had some looks on my jughead and could use it to be better at what I do, I’d be in there like flint selling to my hearts content. As you said, some are blessed with looks, some with brains, some with athletic ability, some with all of these and more. Get a life haters!

    FDN 6 – The rich get richer etc etc.
    As you said, …. And so they do … it’s about pushing the boundaries and yes, come the rewards, But, the journey from where one started and how they got to be so called RICH and RICHER, is a lesson or 3 that others could learn from.

    Next time you are around Sydney and time to drop me a line, appreciate making contact with you both. Enjoy the powder in NZ ansd safe travels back home.


  • This further motivates me gets my heart racing, forehead tingling that I have had this mindset in pieces and the story behind these two individuals and the book they wrote put my puzzle together. Its true what they say about hatred they do put u down hold u back to make themselves better but the book has made me take the hate in a positive way and motivate me to push myself and leave them behind. I smile seeing the hate towards them because wether u believe them or not they are happily enjoying the life they have made for themselves and no one else.

  • Must be a American thing?, us Aussie could not care if your super rich or not, we also dont have issue with class of people, if your rich, good luck to you, if your a cleaner good luck to you too, we get on and talk to everybody, land of the yob!…lol

    Go get them Amy!!

  • Hey Amy,

    You couldnt have put this better in any way!

    “Haters don’t really hate you. They hate themselves because you’re a reflection of what they wish to be.”

    Fact of Life!

    You guys (You, Rob and Lewis) have shown me another path to travel on! I have read over Infinite Prosperity a few times now and will be signing up soon.

    I have no finance degree, just an IT guy and willing to have an open mind and try something different in life for a change.

    Keep up the good work and enjoy life!


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