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By Jake Tran

I make documentaries on money, power, and crime.
1,700,000+ subscribers on YouTube
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Why Men Are Becoming Weaker

MONEY POWER CRIME with Jake TranMay 12, 2024

 Why Men Are Becoming Weaker

Why Men Are Becoming Weaker

So you’re these guys in the year 2007, Adam Bowen and James Monsees.

Long-time smokers and students of product design at Stanford University. Both of you had been smoking pretty much since high school. And you knew it was a dirty habit.

Because even though cigarettes in the 60s and 70s were still bad, these modern cigarettes you were smoking are actually a million times worse. 

Yeah, yeah, we all know how bad tar and nicotine are for you. 

But today’s cigarettes you and your fellow students were smoking were filled with even more toxic chemicals.

Tobacco companies disclosed all of this in the 90s, like how they added ammonia for faster delivery of nicotine to the brain, artificial flavors so that the smoke hit smooth on your throat, and things called bronchodilators so that the smoke entered the lungs more easily.

Compared to the original cigarettes of the early 1900s, the modern cigarette was a hyper concentrated chemical cocktail.

You knew you deserved something better.

The smokers of America deserved something better!

But quitting was not an option. 

And so you came up with a billion dollar idea.. The e-cigarette.

With the e-cigarette, instead of breathing in a cloud of horrible, toxic smoke, you would be breathing in a gentle mist of oily vapor.

Sounds way better, right?!

And sure, you didn’t have any actual data that this oily vapor was safer than smoke but, whatever, you’ll deal with that later. The more important thing is that smoking was old, out of fashion, but vaping? That was a new opportunity.

So, you started to build your e-cigarette prototype in your design class.

It kinda looked like a permanent marker.

You called it the “Ploom”.

And you pushed your Ploom e-cigarette to investors as a ‘healthy alternative’ to traditional smoking.

Even though you had absolutely no data to back this up, you just ‘assumed’ it was better because it had no ammonia, bronchodilators [pronounce] and all those other weird chemicals that were now in the modern cigarette.

Your e-cigarette was simply pure nicotine dissolved in oil with some flavor added.

And on paper, it seemed like the perfect alternative to the toxic cigarette.

But, there was just one problem..

May 12, 202420:51
 Feminism is literally a scam.

Feminism is literally a scam.

So you’re the Rockefeller in the mid-1900s, and you have a big problem.. Your corporate empire bigger than ever.

You have your tentacles all over the American economy and government, but the problem is, your empire has grown so vast, so large, that you just don’t have enough cheap labor to keep the empire going… After all, an empire takes a lot of manpower to sustain and grow!

You had already invented the American public school system to pump out obedient workers, but even that was proving not to be enough!

(we have a video on that if you want to learn more)

You needed more labor than even America’s public schools could provide. 

But where on Earth could you possibly find millions of people right here and now to start working? To become your underpaid factory workers, cleaners, cooks, bookkeepers, secretaries, and salespeople!?

And that’s when it hit you. That’s when the answer you were looking for was staring in the face the entire time… Women!

Yes, women!

Think about it! Back in the 1900s, women didn’t work! Only a small percentage of women had jobs outside of their homes. 

That meant that half of America’s entire potential workforce was not working! 

And why would they want to work!? 

Their husbands made more than enough to support them

And in general, women naturally care more about love flowing through their relationships than conquering the world and making money.

Most women could do the work in oil fields and coal mines and factories and offices if they had to, but are they gonna be happy? Would they be in their element? Probably not.

But - but… If you could somehow convince women to leave their families behind, and enter the factories, fields, offices instead… Well, you would solve your labor problem once and for all wouldn’t you?! 

But how do you convince women who have never been employed, never had to clock in or out, never had to answer to a corporate boss, 

To leave their home, their family, and their freedom, 

And come work for you for a meager wage instead?

Well, you gotta convince women that all those things that they love, all those things that they hold sacred?

May 10, 202427:25
How Diddy Almost Got Away With It (Allegedly)

How Diddy Almost Got Away With It (Allegedly)

So you’re P. Diddy, AKA Sean Combs

And things were going really well for you in 2023. 

You’re worth nearly a billion dollars. You have one of the longest-running, most successful rap careers of all time. 

You just performed at the 50th Anniversary of Hip Hop Festival. You were releasing a new album that everyone thought was gonna blow up. 

You were even being awarded with the ceremonial key to New York City for all the great things you had done in the music industry and beyond. 

You had it all. The money, the fame, the legacy. 

But then came November 16, 2023…

Singer Casandra Ventura who goes by the stage name Cassie files a lawsuit against P. Diddy in federal court accusing you of: 

  • Sex trafficking,
  • Human trafficking,
  • Sexual battery,
  • Assault ,
  • Gender-motivated violence,
  • And more over the course of her ten-year relationship with you… 

She was throwing some serious allegations your way. 

And she went into graphic detail…

Cassie said that as an emerging artist, she was obviously enticed by you, being that you’re a world-famous rapper and music producer? You had all the keys to the kingdom that she so desperately desired…

The pair met when she was 19 and Diddy was in his late 30s.

But the whirlwind romance quickly dissolved into something more sinister.

May 08, 202431:55
The Secretive Family that is Poisoning Europe (Documentary)

The Secretive Family that is Poisoning Europe (Documentary)

So you’re DuPont, and you have a big problem.

For decades you’ve been secretly poisoning the world with a toxic forever chemical that was used to create Teflon and other non-stick, waterproof products.

You told everyone these chemicals were perfectly safe.

But then the truth came out.

People were getting sick, animals were dying, and suddenly, the lawsuits and fines came flooding in.

Eventually, governments from all over ordered you to phase one this forever chemical called PFOA, for good.

People were cheering, the system really does work! DuPont’s forever chemical was getting banned!

Finally, people could drink water and breathe air without worrying about poisoning themselves in the process.

But here’s the thing, they didn’t ban all forever chemicals? No, all they did was ban one forever chemical -PFOA,

So what did you do?

You did a little rebranding.

You reformulated your beloved PFOA into a new chemical that is practically the same exact toxic thing, except with a slight twist in the chemical composition so that it’s not illegal

And you called it GenX. Ah yes, GenX, as if you couldn’t have chosen a more sinister sounding name for a chemical.

You then created a new company to offload all the production of this new chemical to the Netherlands, so that you can turn around to the public and say ‘we listened to your criticism, so now our hands are clean.’

If you’ve ever wondered why you still see Teflon and non-stick products sold in stores, this is why.

This is how the DuPont family is still getting away with poisoning the world

Sep 24, 202312:15
The Biggest Scam of the Century

The Biggest Scam of the Century

American Universities have become hedge funds

Billion dollar hedge funds that are enriching the academic elite, while they keep shackling students in more and more debt

And at the top of them all is Harvard - with a hedge fund of $51 billion!

Get this, according to data from the United Nations, that puts Harvard as the 82nd largest economy in the world, right behind Lebanon and Tanzania,

Which means Harvard is bigger than over 100 other countries in the world!

With that big of a hedge fund, Harvard should be able to pay its $55,000 tuition for every single one of its students literally forever! That’s right: If all Harvard did was earn 5% on that money, Harvard would be able to pay for all of its students tuition forever.

But does any of this hedge fund money ever reach students? No!

Every single year, Harvard increases its costs

Harvard couldn’t even offer a discount when they moved all their classes online for the pandemic!

And Harvard is not alone. Yale has almost just as big of a hedge fund at $42 billion.

And Stanford has a nearly $38 billion hedge fund

But as the academy elite, you would never call your hedge fund a hedge fund? No, the word “hedge fund” has a negative feel to it. We gotta call it something else. Some vague, academic, boring sounding. Something like an endowment.

Ah yes, endowments that are meant to support the teaching, research, and public service missions of our university! It’s a fund used to support future generations!

There we go, that will bore someone to sleep when they hear it!

But the reality is: endowments aren’t about education? It’s not about supporting students? Investing in the community? No, it’s about money, status, business! A tax free business at that up until 2017.

Harvard paid their hedge fund manager - I mean Endowment Chief $6.2m in 2020!

Harvard’s former President Drew G Faust made $3.6m in 2018!

Vanderbilt University’s Chancellor Nicholas Zeppos? He got a near $3M bonus after budget cuts and layoffs. Their endowment? $10 billion.

While the students?

From 1980 to today college tuition has increased by more than 1,200%

While inflation? It’s only up 236%

That extra 1000% had to go somewhere, and it definitely didn’t go towards the students.

So while you’re slaving away trying to pay off your student loans working a job you didn’t study for, the academic elite are getting insanely wealthy off of these hedge funds - while asking your parents for more donations.

Stay dangerous and let me explain.

Sep 23, 202315:26
The Secretive Family Behind Every Major Catastrophe (Documentary)

The Secretive Family Behind Every Major Catastrophe (Documentary)

Deep in the heart of Reston, Virginia lies one of the most powerful, influential, yet secretive family dynasties in America.

This family dynasty is behind the construction of mega-projects like the Hoover Dam and the underwater Channel Tunnel between England and France,

They help the US military build and maintain their nuclear ICBM bases,

They managed the infamous Los Alamos laboratory where the nuclear bomb was built,

While simultaneously building “oil infrastructure” for some of the world’s most notorious governments, like Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, Qaddafi’s Libya, and of course, the Saudi Royal Family

They even profited off Hurricane Katrina.

And they’ve been deeply embedded with the CIA, Department of Defense, and the Department of Energy since the beginning.

With some of their board members filling some of the highest positions in government, from the Secretary of Defense, to the Secretary of State, to the Secretary of Energy (which is a nice sounding title for the person at the helm of America’s nuclear power and nuclear weapons)

The New York Times is quoted saying “No other private corporation in modern history has had closer ties to the Federal Government than this corporation”

Which means… This corporation has profited off of practically every major geopolitical event over the last 100+ years.

In fact, it’s safe to say that this corporation singlehanded built the modern world as we know it

They’ve become the biggest “construction” company in the world

And yet, you have never heard of their name.

Out of all the secretive family dynasties we’ve covered on this channel, this one is by far one of the most secretive.

Nowhere else have we seen a family so influential, so all-encompassing, and yet so illusive at the same time. With the internet almost completely scrubbed of their name.

Why? Because no other corporation has profited off of war, third world countries, and natural disasters quite as much as this one.

Stay dangerous, and say hello to Bechtel: The Secretive Family that Engineered the World.

Sep 22, 202321:24
This is gonna make you angry.

This is gonna make you angry.

You know those cameras that take a picture of you and send you a traffic ticket when you run a red light?

Yeah, thanks to a bunch of bribery scandals that have come out, it turns out they’re literally a scam!

RAs it turns out, red light cameras do not make things safer.

In fact they increase the odds of accidents by 15% from people slamming on their brakes when they see a camera!

While the number of people running red lights stay absolutely the same.

And yet, for some reason, politicians and bureaucrats are still pushing for more red light cameras…

They say things like “red light cameras hold drivers accountable!” even though they clearly do not

Why are they so adamant about red light cameras when the facts say otherwise?

Because like many things, it’s all about the money. And in the red light camera industry, there’s a shocking amount of corrupt money to go around. Let me explain…

So you’re a local politician, your salary sucks, but you want to make more money.

The only real way for a government to make more money is by taxing people more.

The problem is, who wants to get taxed more?? The moment you raise taxes, your constituents are gonna vote you out of office!

We need something else. We need a sneakier way to extract those tax dollars, without them thinking that this is a traditional “tax”

Enter: red light cameras. And speeding cameras too!

Think about it.

Even the most innocent of citizens break traffic laws on a daily basis…

In 1999 56% of Americans admitted to running red lights

That’s more than half the population you could be taxing!

And at $50 to $500 a ticket, that could be tens of millions of dollars going into your coffers,

And thanks to red light cameras, you can make all that money without the need of employing expensive police officers to do the ticketing for you.

And the great thing is, most citizens will happily bend over and take it!

All you gotta do is say how all of this is in the name of safety! You wouldn’t want any kids getting ran over now would you?

So even though people hate getting tickets, most of the time they end up accepting responsibility and paying the fine anyway!

And you wanna know the best part? Since the corporations that make these red light cameras make literally hundreds of millions of dollars from just one of these city contracts,

They are more than willing to bribe you in exchange for your support.

Because remember, you, the politician, hold the keys to their wealth.

Subscribe for more, and here’s a step-by-step guide as to how.

Shoutout to America Uncovered with Chris Chappell for covering this story first, big fan, I’ll link to their channel below, now let’s get into it

Sep 21, 202317:10
So THIS is how Chinese clothes are so cheap!

So THIS is how Chinese clothes are so cheap!

It’s just been discovered that SHEIN, the most profitable fast fashion company in the world, uses cotton made with slave labor for their clothes. Slave labor, in China.

See, China produces 20% of the world’s cotton. 

The global cotton market is estimated to be worth over $46 billion

Or the equivalent of 18 Beyonce's if you wanna think of it that way

So you can imagine just how important cotton is to the Chinese government. It’s a source of their wealth, their power.

The problem is, farming is expensive.

You have to pay thousands of workers a lot of money for this hard labor!

A lot of money that cuts into your profits.

But lucky for you, most of China’s cotton is grown in a little region called Xinjiang. And what does Xinjiang have? Concentration camps of course!

Brand spanking new concentration camps filled with the ethnic Muslim minority called Uyghurs! They’re the ethnic minority that originally lived in this region China now calls Xinjiang!

Over the years, Uyghurs have been rounded up and thrown into these “re-education” camps as the CCP likes to call them.

Once they’re locked up, these Uyghurs are then subjected to a lot of very bad things like literal brainwashing.

And one of the bad things they’re subjected to is forced labor.

Forced labor in the form of things like working on cotton plantations 

Ah yes, a good chunk of the cotton China produces comes from good ‘ol slave labor.

China’s cotton coming from literal slave plantations was a little concerning, so that’s why, in 2021, the United States to cracked down and banned the import of cotton from the entire Xinjiang region.

One senator called the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act “the most important and impactful action taken thus far by the United States to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for their use of slave labor.”

And the rest of the world isn’t far behind. 

But one company didn’t care about such bans. A company that looked at just how dirt cheap this slave cotton was and just they couldn’t help themselves. One company called… SHEIN.

Yup that SHEIN. 

Everyone’s always wondered how SHEIN is able to offer their impossibly low prices on clothes?

Well, I guess slave labor definitely helps.

And SHEIN’s connection to slave labor is way deeper than we could have ever imagined.

Stay dangerous, subscribe for more, and this is the slave cotton of SHEIN

Sep 20, 202317:49
What happens when you disappear in China?

What happens when you disappear in China?

This is Gedhun Choekyi Nyima.

At just 6 years old, Gedhun was recognized as the reincarnation of the Panchen Lama , the second-highest ranking figure in Tibetan Buddhism which meant that this 6 year old would become the successor to the Dalai Lama once the Dalai Lama’s time had come, which meant that one day… this 6 year old would have a lot of influence and power all across Asia…

A lot of power and influence that the Chinese government was not a fan of…

So just three days after he was recognized as the Panchen Lama, the Chinese government kidnapped and forcibly disappeared the 6 year old!

This was in 1995. Since then, no one has ever heard from him or seen him since.

The Panchen Lama was wiped off the face of the Earth in a matter of a day.

The only thing people have to go off of is this mock up done by a forensic artist.

And after 25 years of pressure, the Chinese government finally provided an answer as to the whereabouts of the Panchen Lama: he’s now a college graduate with a stable job!

He “received free compulsory education when he was a child, passed the college entrance examination and now has a job.” 

And that “neither the now-31-year-old man or his family wishes to be disturbed in their ‘current normal lives.’”

But come on… It’s safe to say the kidnapped Panchen Lama is not roaming around China operating a restaurant or something?

But the Panchen Lama is not alone. In fact, you don’t need to be high profile figure to get “disappeared” by the Chinese government?...

Even your average, regular, working class citizen can vanish in a heartbeat.

Like Lee Bo, a Hong Kong bookshop owner who mysteriously vanished one day in 2015.

Lee Bo was known for selling alternative, uncensored books that criticized the CCP, and what’s weird is that 4 other booksellers who sold the same stuff as Lee also disappeared around the same time.

And when Lee Bo and the other publishers emerged just a few months later, they claimed that they were not abducted by the CCP?

What?... No… That’s malarkey… No, we voluntarily chose to fall off the face of the earth ourselves!

Or maybe you’re a school teacher who’s being a bit too “radical” with your lesson plan or a homeowner who’s filing a complaint because the government illegally bulldozed her house! 

These people are just trying to live their lives and survive.

One day they’re here…the next, poof. Gone.

So the big question is… what happens when you get disappeared in China? Where do they take you?

Hint… you get taken to one of China’s Secret Black Sites.

Sep 19, 202316:33
How the Gucci Dynasty Lost Everything

How the Gucci Dynasty Lost Everything

Milan, Italy March 27th, 1995.

A man was walking on the steps leading to his office.

When all of a sudden…

3 gunshots go off, hitting the man in his shoulder, back, and temple, as he fell to the ground bleeding out to death.

But when the police arrived, the realized that this was no ordinary man.

No, the man was none other than Maurizio Gucci, the head of the iconic Gucci empire, and one of the most influential men in all of Italy.

And now, he laid dead on the floor.

So the investigation was on: who killed Maurizio Gucci?

The problem was, there were too many potential suspects to go around.

This was the man at the top of Italian luxury afterall?

And one doesn’t get to the top without making a lot of enemies.

Could a rival luxury brand have called the hit? Could it have come from inside the Gucci family?

For two years the case remained cold until an anonymous tip pinpointed a suspect: Patrizia, the ex-wife of the head of Gucci.

This is the story of the House of Gucci: a story filled with family greed, betrayal, backstabbings, and ultimately, murder.

Stay dangerous, and let’s get into it.

Sep 18, 202316:37
Why is American food so TOXIC? (Documentary)

Why is American food so TOXIC? (Documentary)

So you’re Monsanto in the early 1970s, and you’ve run into a little problem.

The key ingredient in your flagship product Agent Orange had just been banned.

Yeah, that Agent Orange.

Which meant you were left looking for a new bestseller.

Enter glyphosate.

Thanks to glyphosate you created RoundUp, the environmentally friendly Agent Orange. 

Within just a few short years, you’d gone from selling a powerful weedkiller, to selling a weedkiller and the seeds for crops like corn and soy that wouldn’t be killed by it.

Soon RoundUp herbicide and RoundUp-ready seeds took over the market.

Even if farmers wanted to plant their own corn seeds, if neighboring farms used RoundUp, RoundUp would blow right over onto their farm and kill their crop, forcing them to cave and buy RoundUp-ready seeds from you too.

You had completely monopolized the corn and soy industry.

And even though reports started coming out over how toxic RoundUp was to humans, you didn’t care!

As Monsanto in the early 90s you were rolling in money.

But it still wasn’t enough.

With a rap sheet like that, you’d think your urge to poison people and get rich from it would be satisfied.

But no. You had to take it one step further.

Because in the early 2000s you discovered something new.

Something that would take the toxic chemicals in RoundUp from just contaminating soy and corn, to being in everything we eat:





And even oats have been contaminated.

To where today, glyphosate, this incredibly dangerous cancer causing chemical, has found its way into 80% of the US population.

Yes, you watching this right now, probably have glyphosate in you, especially if you’re eating the standard American diet.

Stay dangerous, and this is How Monsanto Poisoned the World.

Sep 17, 202324:46
HERE WE GO AGAIN!! (more lockdowns to come?)

HERE WE GO AGAIN!! (more lockdowns to come?)

COVID is exploding in China again right now, and it came back with a vengeance. So brace yourselves ladies and gentlemen, because here we go again.

And the Chinese government is working real hard to cover it up

On December 20th, 2022 the Chinese government reported 3,049 Covid infections.

But according to an insider government official, that number was actually closer to 37 million.

The Chinese people had been under brutal COVID lockdowns for more than 3 years now, but in late November 2022, they had finally had enough, and mass protests broke out.

So on December 8th, President Xi Jinping [pronounce] gave in and dropped all covid restrictions. 

He gave the people exactly what they wanted.


The opportunity to travel,

No more lockdowns. But unfortunately, President Xi didn’t take one crucial thing into account: Unlike the rest of the world China’s brutal lockdowns meant that they were not given the chance to build their immunity.

Instead of easing lockdowns gradually like other countries did,

Xi opened the floodgates overnight.

And now unsurprisingly COVID is going crazy over there again.

And new variants might be forming.

Stay dangerous, subscribe for more, and welcome to another episode of the gift that keeps on giving: COVID. 

Sep 16, 202318:25
Apple: The Most Evil Business in the World

Apple: The Most Evil Business in the World

This is the mega factory in China that’s responsible for around 50-70% of all the iPhones in the world - it’s nickname is iPhone City.

And these are the people who make our iPhones.

In late-October, a single COVID case was detected among the Foxconn staff, and according to the Chinese government’s Zero-Covid policy that meant the entire factory had to go into lockdown.

Most Foxconn workers live in filthy dorms on the factory grounds.

And thanks to the lockdown they were locked inside their dorms with no pay and little food.

While others were taken away to quarantine facilities.

They were living like forgotten prisoners. 

No one cared if they starved, got sick, or couldn’t contact their families. 

Life became unbearable. 

And after an entire month of being locked down,  the dam finally broke on November 23rd, 2022

The slaves have had enough.

Some workers escaped and walked hundreds of miles to their homes. 

Others chose to fight.

This was a massive uprising. Something that China and Apple had never seen before.

And what did Apple’s CEO Tim Cook had to say about all this chaos?

Not a single word.

Stay dangerous and these are the de facto slaves behind your iPhone.

Sep 15, 202321:11
Where does all our trash go? (Documentary)

Where does all our trash go? (Documentary)

This is a mountain made of literal trash in New Delhi, India.

    • A disgusting, smelly, enormous heap of mostly plastic trash that makes life a living hell for those around it

  • But, ‘trash mountain’ in India is just one of many.

    • There are mountains like this in poor countries all over the world.

    • In Malaysia, Laos, Ethiopia.

  • But here’s the thing, this is not their trash.

    • The trash mountain in New Delhi is not just trash made by people in New Delhi.

    • No, no, no. The majority of this trash is from rich countries.

  • Ah yes, rich countries produce a bunch of trash, and then it gets shipped off to poor countries. Poor countries have become the West’s personal garbage can. 

  • America can’t process all the trash it produces? Nor does it want to?

    • So why not ship it off to poor countries that don’t have a choice? They’re so desperate that they would be thrilled to take it off our hands!

    • And so, America has been secretly shipping their plastic trash since the 90s.

  • And from there, all this trash just ends up getting burned into the air that we breath, 

  • thrown into our oceans infecting the fish we eat, 

  • and infesting the lives of the poor people that have to live in this trash. Causing everything from tuberculosis to cancer in the people who live near these giant, plastic dumps.

Sep 14, 202320:40
Why Celebrities Are ALWAYS Depressed (Documentary)

Why Celebrities Are ALWAYS Depressed (Documentary)

From the outside it seems like celebrities have the perfect life.

But in reality? Being a celebrity absolutely sucks.

Mental breakdowns, addiction, depression, bankruptcy.

And sometimes… even death…

But why? Why is having what everyone seems to want, money and fame, always seem to lead to disaster?

When you’re an A-list celebrity that everyone knows, you can pretty much say goodbye to going outside.

This is Arvid Ali by the way, he’s the former president of Jordan Belfort’s companies (yes, the real wolf of wall street), and he’s the advisor that celebrities, pro athletes, politicians, and the ultra-rich go to when they want to grow their net worth. So he’s been very up close and personal with a-list celebrities

And at first, all this attention will be exciting, you’re gonna feel validated! All these random people want me! But after a while, it wears you down. You can’t escape it.

Everywhere you go there is someone who knows you and wants things from you.

Every little thing you do is being scrutinized and video taped: from the way you eat food, to the way you walk, to that time you spilled food on your shirt.

You’re always on edge, you always have to make sure you’re on your best behavior, you’re not allowed to be in a bad mood.

And you can bet that every errand will turn into a photo op with strangers.

To these fans you’re more like this object than an actual human being.

Basic respect just goes out the door.

And then there’s the paparazzi, the bottom feeders of the celebrity world, whose job it is to trigger you

So what’s the solution? You literally just don’t step foot outside.

You spend your days trapped in your home alone.

Think about that: Humans were not meant to be locked inside alone in one location all day everyday? So naturally, as a celebrity, you get depressed and anxious.

But Jake, that may be the case, but come one, even though A-list celebrities have to stay inside all day, they gotta have a lot of cool friends they could hang out with right?


Stay dangerous, subscribe for more, and this is why celebrities are always depressed.

Sep 13, 202326:59
Why are Russia and China STOCKPILING gold?

Why are Russia and China STOCKPILING gold?

While you were distracted by inflation and Ukraine, China and Russia have been secretly stockpiling gold at an unprecedented rate.

Why? Because they are preparing for something massive.

And President Vladimir Putin just unveiled their plan to the world: 

A new global reserve currency. 

A currency that they’re aiming to replace the dollar with as the reserve currency of the world

If China and Russia manage to pull this off, it will change everything.

America would no longer be the global superpower anymore, it would be cataclysmic to the US economy, and it would usher in a new era, a new world order.

A new world order where China and Russia would be the ones calling the shots - not America.

And it’s not as if their plan is even very far-fetched. 

After World War 2 America did almost exactly the same thing where they single handedly strong armed the world into accepting the dollar as the global reserve. 

But… that was close to around 80 years ago.

Today, America is not in as strong of a position to strong-arm the world.

Today, America is in decline.

It’s racked up an impossible amount of debt, it’s printed it’s dollar into almost nonexistence, the money printing during COVID has left even the common man questioning how long the music can last, and just like every other currency in history, it’s not a matter of if the US Dollar will go to zero, but when the US Dollar is on its last 1% of purchasing power, it’s on its last dying breath.

This last dying breath could last a few years, or a few decades, no one knows for sure, but all signs point to something big happening in the next few years.

But you don’t have to look at the graphs to know this? If you live in America, you can just feel it in the air: the future feels bleak, every year seems to get crazier and crazier, our trust in government is at an all time low, it feels like we’re slowly headed towards a waterfall!

And Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping are trying their damndest to cash in on this once in a lifetime opportunity.

If this plan works Russia and China will become invincible

And America? All that power and influence it’s been enjoying for decades? 

It will be stripped away by force. 

This is the first video in a two part series on the coming new world order, and to understand it, we have to take a trip back to the end of World War II.

Sep 11, 202317:41


BlackRock, one of the most powerful companies in the world, just struck a deal with the President of Ukraine.

The deal? To reconstruct Ukraine after the war!

How noble, right!

Your tax dollars get sent to Ukraine, a good chunk of your money goes right back into America’s military industrial complex in the form of weapons and equipment.

And the other chunk of your money is gonna be sent to BlackRock to help Ukraine rebuild!

Neat right!

The money went out of your pocket, and right back into the pockets of America’s elite, with barely any of it actually reaching the Ukrainian people.

But I’m sure that BlackRock doesn’t have any ulterior motives right?

Let me explain…

Sep 10, 202313:45
Billionaires are FLEEING China! Government in PANIC MODE.

Billionaires are FLEEING China! Government in PANIC MODE.

October 23 2022. 

The CCP’s highly anticipated 20th Party Congress is in the works. 

It’s the most important meeting of the Chinese Communist party’s five-year political cycle.

Even though everyone is waiting with bated breath to see what happens, most people in China already have a gut feeling about what is going down. 

And just like they feared, President Xi Jinping claims a third term of power.

Xi would be in charge for another half a decade. And he plans to do a lot more things in these next five years…

And he was wasting no time, the very next day he assigned seven of his closest loyalists to be members of China’s most powerful political body.

It was a clean sweep. 

Xi was consolidating more power, both the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin congratulate Xi enthusiastically the moment the news breaks.

But for China’s billionaires, this news sent them into panic mode.

One lawyer from Europe named David said that Xi extending his rule past the two-term mark was the breaking point for Chinese businessmen.

“Now that ‘the chairman’ is firmly in place …I have already received three ‘proceed’ instructions from various ultra-high net worth Chinese business families to execute their fire escape plans,”

What kind of fire escape plans? Fire escape plans to leave China and take all their wealth with them.

Why? Because President Xi secured his rule for another 5 years, he is now free to fight mercilessly to implement a policy called ‘common prosperity’.

Basically, Xi wants to go back to China’s Communists roots with full blown wealth redistribution program.

The classic dream of taking money from the rich, and distributing it amongst the poor.

Because in Xi’s eyes, the gap between the rich and the poor has gotten too wide.

And if you’re a rich Chinese person and you don’t comply with this wealth redistribution? Well you’ll be facing down the barrel of a gun… or you'll get disappeared or something.

So for China’s wealthy elite, this news was a nightmare.

Add on top of that all the other horrible things going on in China’s economy like

The severe credit crisis especially in the real estate market, China's crackdowns on the tech sector, and the brutal COVID lockdowns, and you'd be a fool to want to stay in China if you’re wealthy.

So now your only option is to escape. 

As one woman who recently emigrated put it “I can’t change or condemn the current situation in China. And if you can’t change it, all you can do is run.”

The problem is, all of The Chinese Communist Party’s power comes from their wealthy citizens: rich Chinese people are the ones who create jobs, who keep the economy running - without them, China is nothing more than a paper dragon.

The CCP knows this - and the lengths Xi will go to keep the rich from leaving are insane.

Stay dangerous, subscribe for more, and this is the great Chinese Exodus.

Sep 09, 202312:24
The Secret Family that Controls ALL the Food You Eat

The Secret Family that Controls ALL the Food You Eat

Deep in the heart of Wayzata, Minnesota, lies one of the biggest family dynasties in America - except, you’ve never heard of their name

This family dynasty made more money last year than Coca Cola, Nestle and Chevron combined.

In fact, they’re the largest private company in the United States. 

And they control a massive share of your food supply.

They’re responsible for supplying food to some of the biggest brands out there like McDonald’s, Burger King, Kellogg’s, Mars, Dunkin’ Donuts, Unilever, Safeway, Kroger, Albersons, ALDI, TESCO, And many, many more.

Look in your kitchen right now and you’ll find a ton of foods made by this secret mega corporation: cocoa powder, cooking oils, salt, sugar, eggs, meat. 

But, you won’t find their name on any of the labels.

Most of you have never even heard of this name.

That’s because this American dynasty has worked very hard to keep it that way.

They don’t want you to know what they’re doing behind factory doors.

Because if you ever found out you would never buy their food products again - it’s that bad

What is the name of this family you ask? Cargill.

Sep 08, 202313:41
The DARK Side of Clinical Trials (Documentary)

The DARK Side of Clinical Trials (Documentary)

  • Meet Brian Stone.

    • In 2005 he was just a regular guy working around the clock at part-time jobs in restaurants and factories, but he was still barely making ends meet. 

    • He was killing himself to make money and didn’t know how much longer he could take it. 

  • That’s when a friend told him about an opportunity to earn some easy money that would change his life forever. 

    • A clinical trial 

  • All he had to do was take painkillers and drink alcohol during a four-week study so the doctors could observe the effects. 

    • And he would earn $2,500 for the pleasure. 

    • His friend insisted it was basically like getting paid to party. 

  • At first Brian thought it was too good to be true but when he looked into it he realized that yes, this clinical trial was the real thing.

    • And they were offering thousands of dollars to participants. 

    • He decided to give it a try. What’s the worst that could happen?

  • So Brian signed up. Only to quickly realize that clinical trials… were a lot different from partying…

    • The experimental painkiller drug made Brian violently ill throughout the entire study. 

      • “The clinic staff told participants to use a bucket rather than the toilet if possible so that they could look through the vomit to see how much of the pill had been digested before it came back up,” he said. 

    • It got so bad that Brian ended up forcing himself to throw up his daily dose because he didn’t want to feel the intense side effects anymore. 

      • It was pure hell. 

  • But at the end of the study, he was indeed handed that $2,500 check

    • And just like that, Brian was hooked. Not hooked on the painkiller drug, but hooked on clinical trials…

    • Not long after that he was already signed up again to test a diabetes drug. 

  • Brian became friends with other clinical trial participants and started regularly looking up more studies he could join. 

    • He quit his part-time jobs and even moved to a different city with more trials available 

    • For Brian, clinical trials became his full time career.

      • He was officially a professional guinea pig. 

    • On one hand, Brian was indeed helping to save many lives, on the other, he’s taking experimental drugs as a full time career

  • It sounds extreme. 

    • Putting your body on the line to be one of the first humans to try a new drug or medical treatment. 

    • But it’s actually a huge business. 

  • There are thousands of professional guinea pigs out there making a living by joining clinical studies. 

    • One man named Paul Clough runs a website where people can find new trials that are available in their area.

    • He’s been in more than 80 drug tests in the past 11 years as a full-time job. 

    • He makes a good living with it too. 

      • Clinical trials fund his everyday expenses and even provide enough money for him to take a trip to Alaska to photograph the bears. 

  • Most of these clinical trials pay around $250 a day

    • But some studies can pay as much as $15,000 ,$18,000, or even $29,000 dollars. 

    • For a lot of people, this is life changing money

  • With Big Pharma booming in America, the business of clinical trials is also booming.

    • The only question is, would you rent your body out like this?

    • What is it really like and what are the dark sides of it that nobody talks about? 

  • Stay dangerous, and welcome to the world of professional guinea pigs.

Sep 07, 202319:57
The EVIL History of our Education System

The EVIL History of our Education System

So you’re John  D. Rockefeller in the late 1800s and you have a big problem.

It’s the industrial revolution, You have this giant oil empire, but you simply can’t find enough wage slaves to keep the wheels turning.

Unlike today, where you can just make a job post online and a bunch of educated laborers would come flocking your way.

Back then, most of America was rural. Most of America lived simple lives on farms. They were homeschooled, they went to schools ran by the church.

They weren’t educated? They didn’t know how to work a factory job? Or at an oil refinery? They weren’t conditioned to clock in and out?

So you needed a way to educate the population on a massive scale, so they can come work for you!

However, we don’t want to educate them too much now do we? 

Remember - knowledge is dangerous.

There’s a reason why slaves weren’t allowed to learn how to read or write. 

So if you’re gonna educate the masses, you have to tread carefully. 

Teach them too much and they’ll become too ambitious, too independent - they’ll think for themselves! They’ll become your competitors…

Instead you want to teach them just enough so they can keep your empire running with a happy, obedient smile on their face.

So what did you do?

You helped pioneered the American public school system.

All of a sudden, every parent the masses didn’t have to be homeschooled anymore? 

They could just send their kids off to a free public school funded by good ‘ol Rockefeller.

To the rest of the world, you looked like a saint!

You were giving free education to all those uncivilized, ignorant Americansl

But you and I know the truth:

By dangling free education in front of millions of American parents, you were able to trick them into relinquish their children to the Statel

That way, for 8-12 years of a child’s most formative years, you get to condition them to be exactly who you wanted them to be.

You decide what they learn and don’t learn. You decide how they should see the world. 

You get to condition them to be scared, to be fearful, to be obedient, to not chase after their dreams, to accept mediocrity.

You teach them that if they don’t follow orders exactly to the T, they’re a failure.

Because these are the traits that made for good laborers…

And it worked.

By giving every American access to free, standardized, public education - you solved the labor problem in America.

Now every generation that came after it would go into school filled with innocence, creativity, and joy - and they would come out of school as an obedient worker that doesn’t want to rock the boat.

Workers who are perfectly happy making their employers rich.

Ah yes, our entire education system today was created because John D Rockefeller… needed more workers.

But it wasn’t just Rockefeller.

No, loads of other rich American tycoons poured billions of dollars to create the modern day education system we have today.

These are the same wealthy dynasties behind big oil, big food, big pharma.

And they all wanted to provide you with free conditioning- I mean education!

While they send their kids to private schools…

As Rockefeller once said: “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”

These are the Dark Origins of our Education System, and why you wanna stay dangerous.

Sep 06, 202319:11
Why they WANT Hawaii to burn.

Why they WANT Hawaii to burn.

As fires rage on the Hawaiian island of Maui, this is what one of the locals have to say.

  • The fires started on August 8, 2023, It was one of the worst disasters to hit the island in modern history. 

    • At least 114 people are dead, another 850 are still missing

  • But this story is far more than just a natural disaster gone wrong…

  • See, Hawaii has always been a… Contentious US state… 

    • Stolen from the native Hawaiians, Hawaii has always had a lot of tension between the natives and the Americans

  • And this story is no different. 

    • See, Maui is home to many powerful names:

      • Jeff Bezos owns a $78m home on Maui

      • Larry Ellison of Oracle owns 98% of the island of Lanai

      • Oprah owns land on Maui near the fires

      • And many, many more

    • And yet you’ve barely heard a peep out of all these people.

  • The story of the Hawaii fires is a story of cover ups, corporate greed, terrible mismanagement, vultures trying to swoop in and buy up all this burnt up real estate for pennies on the dollar, and maybe even arson.

  • Stay dangerous, and this is why they want Hawaii to burn.

Sep 05, 202314:56
How 3M Poisoned the World with Forever Chemicals

How 3M Poisoned the World with Forever Chemicals

So you’re 3M in the 1940s.

You’ve invented hundreds of new products over the years,

But none of them have really taken you to the stratosphere. 

You’re still looking for that one breakthrough product, 

That one thing that’s gonna change everything for you.

And that’s when you discovered something big:

A chemical called perfluorooctanoic acid or, PFOA or better known as C8, 

C8’s special non-stick, heat, and water-resistant properties meant it would change consumer goods forever.

So you supplied it to DuPont, another chemical company, and they used C8 to make Teflon.

The new wonder material that was put into everything people buy:

Everything from pots and pans, To fire extinguishers,Waterproof clothes, Furniture, Take-out containers, Pizza boxes, Carpets, Electronics, And even dental floss,

All contained some form of Teflon, and that Teflon was made using C8. 

Basically, you got your grubby little fingers into also every single product people interacted with on a daily basis.

Which meant you became insanely rich.

There was just one small, tiny, insignificant problem - C8 and all the other chemicals you made like it are extremely toxic

We’re talking like cancer-causing, birth defects, toxic.

Which meant that if anyone found out about just how toxic C8 was, your breakthrough product, your ace-in-the-hole would be no more.

Lawsuits would come pouring in, the billions would stop flowing!

So you were left with only one logical option: intentionally hide it from the public, suppress your findings about C8!

Make your billions first, and then worry about the consequences later.

By then you’ll have so much money and power that a few lawsuits here and there won’t even matter.

Today, we finally know that C8 is linked to all sorts of diseases like kidney cancer, thyroid disease, testicular Cancer, and a whole host of other terrible things.

But it’s too late… Because 99.7% of Americans have already have C8 in their bloodstream. 

Yes you watching this right now probably have this forever chemical in your body - and there’s nothing you can do about it.

While 3M? By forever poisoning the world, 3M is now one of the largest, most powerful conglomerates in the world and they barely even got a slap on the wrist for it.

Sep 04, 202320:38
Why Are Men Becoming More Feminine? (Documentary)

Why Are Men Becoming More Feminine? (Documentary)

Humanity is facing a crisis right now:

Men are getting weaker, softer, not just mentally, but physically, men today look less masculine!

And it’s all because of one thing: testosterone

Today men are experiencing a population-level decline in testosterone levels, and it’s happening to all men, including Adolescents and Young Adults

And why is this collapse in testosterone bad?

Because testosterone is what makes men, men.

Testosterone is what gives us ambition, drive, it’s what pushes us to achieve, to win, to dominate, it’s what gives us our masculine features

Testosterone puts us in a better mood, and it even makes us be more generous and altruistic if you can believe it

To take away a man’s testosterone - is to take away everything that makes him a man. And yet, that is what modern society is systematically doing to you right now

And it’s not even just testosterone:

Between the years 1973 and 2011, male sperm count dropped by 59%, We have less than half the sperm count from just 50 years ago!

And based on predictions, sperm count will reach zero by 2045.

Or in other words, if you don’t do something about this, if you don’t learn what’s causing this drop in testosterone and sperm count,

Not only will society make less progress, you win less, be more depressed, get less girls, be less masculine, and have less sex drive,

But the survival of the human race is legitimately at stake here…

So in this video, we’re gonna go over all the different things in our modern world that are attacking your testosterone right now, along with what you can do about it, and as you’re gonna see, the list is very, very long.

Stay dangerous, and this is The Downfall of Man.

Sep 02, 202325:03
Nickelodeon must be stopped.

Nickelodeon must be stopped.

If you want to make a profitable TV network there is only one demographic you gotta focus on – children.

It’s not just the child viewers that make kid’s TV so lucrative, it's also the child actors.

Child actors are naive and easy to manipulate.

They don’t know what’s appropriate or normal yet.

They aren’t in any position to negotiate a higher pay?

And they definitely don’t want to do anything that will blow their shot at being famous.

Child actors will do anything it takes to succeed on the screen.

And their parents are just as desperate.

And Nickelodeon has taken full advantage of this.

All our favorite shows growing up had some very disturbing stuff going on behind the scenes: actors ripped off for millions, abusing child actors, abusing child actors in a way that would definitely get this video demonetized if we went into detail

And only now that these child actors are no longer children that these revelations are coming up

Stay dangerous, subscribe for more, and this is the dark side of Nickelodeon.

Aug 27, 202316:00
How Exxon Stole a 3rd World Country (Documentary)

How Exxon Stole a 3rd World Country (Documentary)

So you’re ExxonMobil in 2007.

And you’ve run into a big problem.

Your biggest moneymaker was getting oil from Venezuela

For years you had enjoyed unlimited access to the world’s largest known oil reserves.

But now, Venezuela just kicked you out! That’s right, Venezuela’s president had just nationalized all its private oil fields. Which meant that foreign companies like ExxonMobil were banned.

You just lost your biggest moneymaker

And you had to find an alternative. Fast.

Luckily, another country caught your eye: Venezuela’s neighbor, a country called Guyana.

Guyana is a very poor country in South America that is ripe for oil exploration

Afterall, it was next door neighbors with the biggest oil reserves in the world, so there’s got to be oil in Guyana right?

The problem is, even though many had tried, no one has ever been able to find oil in Guyana.

But you knew you had to at least give it one more shot.

And it would take you 8 terrible years after Venezuela kicked you out, until you did the impossible: you discovered oil in Guyana

Ding, ding, ding - It was a miracle! And it turned out to be one of the biggest discoveries of oil ever

You had hit the jackpot.

And suddenly you were back in business.

But, just because you discovered oil in Guyana, doesn’t mean it’s yours?...

It’s still technically belongs to the Guyanese people

Which means, you have to somehow convince this sovereign nation to give up the one thing that would lift them out of poverty

But how do you do that?...

Well the great news is that as a poor country, the people are easily fooled, the politicians are very affordable to bribe.

At the time, Guyana’s GDP was a measly $4 billion dollars

While ExxonMobil? Psh, you made $4b every 6 days

And with that kind of money, you can do anything. All you gotta do is fool the Guyanese people into welcoming you in with open arms

And once you get your foot in the door, you can systematically takeover every aspect of Guyanese society: you’ll be able to silently takeover the government, the free press, and the legal system.

And ever since that discovery of oil in Guyana, that’s exactly what ExxonMobil did.

Today, ExxonMobil has completely and utterly colonized Guyana, without a single shot ever being fired. And no one has been the wiser.

One journalist wrote it best: “In Guyana, it’s become hard to distinguish where the oil company ends and the government begins.”

This is a story about how one transnational corporation managed to take over an entire nation-state in the span of just a few years.

Stay dangerous, and let’s get into it

Aug 14, 202313:52
Who ACTUALLY runs the world? (Documentary)

Who ACTUALLY runs the world? (Documentary)

A couple of years ago we released this legendary video: BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World, with over 3.5m views

But back then we only had second hand information to go off of.

But now, we have this guy: Serge Varlay, a BlackRock recruiter, exposing it all, thanks to an undercover operation by James O’Keefe

So from the horse’s mouth itself, here’s a simple guide on how to secretly rule the world.

Aug 14, 202312:37
Meet the Most Dangerous Man in Russia (It's not Putin)

Meet the Most Dangerous Man in Russia (It's not Putin)

We all know about the attempted coup in Russia by the Wagner Group.

But the question remains, who is this guy behind the Wagner Group that just exposed the kink in Putin’s armor for the world to see? Who is Yevgeny Prigozhin?

It turns out the story behind one of the most dangerous men in Russia is absolutely insane.

This guy is an absolute maniac.

Born into poverty in Soviet Russia, this guy survived uranium mines, labor camps, to eventually earning the nickname “Putin’s Chef”, eventually getting the green light to start the Wagner Group from Putin himself - becoming a billionaire in the process.

This guy has been doing Putin’s bidding in Ukraine, Syria, Africa,

Putin made this guy, and now, it looks like he just backstabbed Putin?...

Or is there more to this story than meets the eye?

This is the bloodthirsty rise of one of the most sanctioned Russian Oligarchs there is: Yevgeny Prigozhin

Aug 09, 202314:39
Why Russia is Attacking the U.S. Electric Grid

Why Russia is Attacking the U.S. Electric Grid

That’s right, if the power went out in America for just 9 months, 90% of the population would die.

And you might be thinking to yourself, “well, good thing that has a very low chance of happening!”

But unfortunately, you’d be wrong…

Because if you wanted to send America back to the stone age, all you’d have to do is take out 9 key substations and

The US would go into a total blackout.

That’s right, just 9 substation transformers and you send America into absolute chaos

And here’s the thing about these substation transformers

And if these substation transformers are this important to our survival, one would think that they would be guarded 24/7 right? But they’re not!

Drive to your local substation and you’ll see that the only protection these things have is a measly barbwire fence

So you can bet that all our enemies have our delicate power grid in their crosshairs. In fact, as you’re about to see, the attacks have already been happening…

Stay dangerous and this is coming collapse of the US Power Grid

Aug 09, 202318:25
The Secretive Companies that Control America’s Electricity

The Secretive Companies that Control America’s Electricity

So you’re a company called Duke Energy in North Carolina. You supply electricity to the state. And you’ve got a pretty good setup…

And decades ago, you ran into a problem: your coal power plants, created a lot of toxic coal ash. (you know, from burning the coal)

  • Toxic coal ash that you have to dispose of somewhere?
  • But disposing of said toxic coal ash properly is expensive
  • So, why not just throw it into landfills and ponds near waterways!

So that’s exactly what you did: for decades you polluted major rivers, your toxic ash seeped into the clean groundwater, poisoning the water of North Carolina homes!

And what did you do when you found out that this would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to clean up?

You requested your customers pay for the ENTIRE cost of cleaning up the coal ash!

Yes, regular home owners that were already paying for your electricity were gonna have to fork the bill for you polluting their water.

But unfortunately, after nearly 10 years of litigation, you finally had to agree that the peasants wouldn’t have to cover the entire cost of the cleanup?

Just most of it. 

The settlement decided that Duke Energy will pay for a quarter of the cleanup costs over the next decade, roughly $1 billion dollars. 

Leaving your customers to pay for the other 75% of the cleanup, that you caused

I know, I know, they should really be paying for all of it, but we can live with ourselves here.

And afterall, you did make well over $18 billion dollars in profit last year, so a billion dollars or paying for the full bill would still be like a drop in the bucket.

And why can you push your customers around like this?

Because for the 10 million residents in North Carolina, they only have one energy company they can turn to to light up their homes – you!

Yes that’s right, you have a complete monopoly over not just North Carolina, but some in neighboring states as well

While being the biggest investor-owned electric company in the country 

Which means, you can do whatever you want to your customers, and they will just have to bend over and take it

But it’s not just North Carolina and these other states

See, almost all of America is like this: in America, only a few powerful companies control the entire electricity grid

Which leaves them free to do whatever they want to you.

Stay dangerous, and this is the all-powerful electricity monopoly of America

Aug 09, 202312:57
Internet Kingpin: The Hunt for the Genius Behind the Silk Road

Internet Kingpin: The Hunt for the Genius Behind the Silk Road

This is Ross Ulbriet

He’s the founder of the Silk Road

The first online marketplace on the darkweb where you could buy and sell anything.

And I mean anything, from stuff that you smoke, to things that go boom, to even body parts and assassinations.

And all of it, would be shipped right to your door by the Federal Government’s Postal Service in some cleverly disguised packages

The site went so viral that by age 28, Ross was on track to become a billionaire within just two years.

And the Silk Road community called him the Steve Jobs of the online drug world, 

And if the Silk Road was a startup, at its peak, it would’ve easily been considered a unicorn

The elusive term for a startup that’s worth over a billion dollars

And at that peak in 2012, this is what Ross had to say when asked by his friend where he would like to be 20 years from now. This was before anyone knew he was the man behind the Silk Road.

Ross already knew he was going down in history, but not as the hero that freed people from the tyranny of the US War on Drugs he hoped people would remember him as - but as a villain

A villain that got people addicted, that got people killed - America’s very own kingpin - an internet kingpin

And less than 3 years after the site launched, he was arrested, charged with 7 felonies, and sentenced to not one, but two life sentences + 40 years in prison, without parole - as a first time nonviolent offender

This is INTERNET KINGPIN: The Epic Rise & Fall of the Criminal Mastermind Behind the Silk Road

A story that spans multiple continents, filled with corrupt cops, paid assassinations, lots, and lots, and lots of money, and a road to hell paved with the good intentions of an young, idealistic genius

Jul 31, 202330:25
So THIS is how you get away with murder.

So THIS is how you get away with murder.

See, in this world, those with the most power can get away with almost anything.

Power allows you to control politicians, police, and even the courts.

This allows you to get away with all sorts of crimes: like fraud, tax evasion, worker abuse, and yes, even murder.And in South Korea, the ones with the most power aren’t the politicians - but those in charge of Korea’s biggest conglomerates

Chung Mong-Koo

  • Company: HyundaiPosition: Chairman and CEO
  • Charge: Tax evasion
  • Standard Sentence: 3 years in jail
  • Time Served: None, commuted to 5 years probation

Kim Seung-youn

  • Company: Hanwha GroupPosition: Chairman
  • Charge: Embezzlement
  • Standard Sentence: 5 years in jail
  • Time Served: A couple of months, then the sentence was overturned

Chey Tae-won

  • Company: SK GroupPosition: Chairman
  • Charge: Embezzlement
  • Standard Sentence: 5 years in jail
  • Time served: 2 years, then pardoned

Cho Yangho

  • Company: Korean Air
  • Position: Chairman and CEOCharge: Tax evasion
  • Standard Sentence: 3 years in jail
  • Time Served: None, commuted to 5 years probation

There’s even a word for families like this in Korea: chaebols. South Korea’s untouchable bloodlines.

And at the top of all of them, is the Samsung dynasty - where ⁠one out of every $10⁠ made in Korea is thanks to Samsung.

For all intents and purposes, Samsung is Korea, as much as Korea is Samsung. And that gives the heirs to the Samsung dynasty unparalleled power.

This is how you get away with murder.

Jul 31, 202310:12
McKinsey: The Company that Poisoned America

McKinsey: The Company that Poisoned America

So, you’re McKinsey in the early 2000s. 

You’re a ruthless consulting firm who puts sales and capital above all else. 

And you’ve just found your perfect client: Purdue Pharma.

Purdue sells one of the world’s most addictive and profitable products: opioid drugs. Like OxyContin

Imagine getting to sell basically the equivalent of heroin legally - that’s the business Purdue is in

And McKinsey had just been hired to boost their sales. 

It’s a match made in heaven.

Both you and Purdue will do anything to make an extra buck, so you set out on a disinformation and sales campaign unlike any other. 

You sell people drugs you know will kill them eventually.

And you sell them so well that over the next 2 decades, hundreds of thousands of people die from opioid overdoses.

And because of that, Purdue’s sales go up and you get your consulting fees.

Your client sells drugs and profits off people getting addicted to them. Just like a drug dealer. 

Except drug dealers go to prison. 

But because you’re a well connected corporation, you just need to issue an apology and get away with just a $600m fine when you make over $10b a year!  

A national health crisis, billions in taxpayer dollars to set up rehabs, the alleged indirect killing of thousands of people, and the worst you get is a glorified “Please don’t do this again”? 

This is McKinsey, the most evil consulting firm in the world. And this is how they pulled it off. 

Jul 31, 202311:49
The Vatican’s Unimaginable Wealth

The Vatican’s Unimaginable Wealth

Religion can be an incredibly profitable business if done right. 

And there’s no better example of this than the Vatican - the world’s smallest sovereign nation. 

At just 0.27 square kilometers, it is home to the wealthiest religion on the planet: The Catholic Church.

For decades, the Catholic Church has been haunted by scandal after scandal after scandal. 

With more than 1.3 billion members, it is the second biggest religion in the world.

And this entire empire of vast, unimaginable wealth is based off of your donations

But the Catholic Church is clever. 

If people knew just how wealthy they are, no one would continue donating to them!

That’s why they keep all their true finances very close to their chest, careful not to let the public ever peer into the true financial state of the church. 

That’s why in 2021, the Catholic Church is complaining that they’re apparently low on reserves, running a deficit, and are in desperate need of your donations

When in Australia alone, they’re worth at least $30b.

That’s more than what Starbucks is worth around the world.

And thanks to some simple math, we can get a rough estimate of how much wealth the Catholic Church really has

So the Catholic Church is worth around $30b in Australia. 

There’s around 5-and-a-half million Catholics in Australia

That means the Catholic church is able to extract an average of around $5,454 per user

There are 372m Catholics in Europe, the US, Canada, and Australia combined

So $5,454 per Catholic, times 372m Catholics, means that the Catholic Church has a little over $2 trillion dollars in wealth! And that’s just the main Western countries!

That means the Catholic Church is in the same league as companies you know and love, like Apple, Microsoft, the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, Amazon, and Alphabet!

Let’s say on that $2t, they’re able to get a conservative return of… 3

(For context, the stock market typically returns 10%)

$2t at 3% gives them $60b every year!... Tax free! Theoretically, of course.

...But what do they tell the public?

That in 2018, apparently, they only profited a measly $20 million dollars! No where near even one billion! 

And at the center of all of this, is the Vatican Bank - God’s bankers

Today, it’s probably better to think of the Vatican as a combination of the Federal Reserve, an offshore bank, and a hedge fund, compared to just being the headquarters of catholicism

The Vatican is the ultimate corporation that has stood the test of time like no other. And this is how it’s done

Jul 31, 202317:51
The Chinese Mafia needs to chill out...

The Chinese Mafia needs to chill out...

It’s December 17, 1999. 12 men make their way through a port in Hong Kong in silence, praying they won’t be caught. 

At the front of the group are the leaders, known in the business as Snakeheads.

Following the snakeheads are impoverished Chinese citizens, looking for a better life to support their family back home.

The Snakeheads lead them to a 10 by 40 ft container, push them inside like cattle, and lock the doors. 

In the darkness, with only one phone, a box of basic food supplies, and containers to urinate and defecate in, the men settle down and pray they survive  the two week journey ahead.

Their destination? A land of prosperity the Chinese call “The Gold Mountain” - America. Where even the minimum wage is multiple times higher than what they can earn back home.

The price these would-be immigrants paid to get smuggled into America? $40,000 each

The problem is, most of them can’t cough up that 40 grand, so they put their life savings into a small deposit in exchange for a life of indentured servitude in America.

Slaving away as basically a piece of property to pay off the loan before they can ever send any money back home to their families.

And the slave masters that smuggled them into the country?  They’re known as the Triads, one of the most brutal organized crime groups in the world

And at $40,000 a head, a group of 10 would-be immigrants brings them in $400,000 in cash and outstanding loans

Smuggling a group of 10 every month is $4.8 million dollars a year - off of just 120 customers!

If they’re able to smuggle in 10 people every week? That’s already $19.2 million dollars a year.

But the reality? Estimates back in 1997 put the number as high as 100,000 Chinese immigrants smuggled into the US every year - that’s $4 billion dollars in just the US.

And human smuggling is just one of their lucrative rackets.

Jul 31, 202316:26
Why Haven’t We Seen Hyperinflation?

Why Haven’t We Seen Hyperinflation?

Germany: June 1921 to November 1923:

  • Highest monthly inflation rate: over 30,000%

  • Time required for prices to double: every few days.

  • During WWI, like many countries, Germany, then called the Weimar Republic, suspended its gold standard to fund the war effort

  • Based on the belief that they were going to win the war and pay for it by plundering their enemies

  • That plan, obviously didn’t work out - so after the war, they were left shackled with not only their own war debts, but were also fined $132 billion gold marks in reparations by the Treaty of Versailles

    • The equivalent of about $269 billion today

  • The first payment of that “war guilt” came due in June 1921

    • The problem was, the Treaty prohibited Ger many from paying in their own currency.

    • So Germany had no choice but to exchange their German Marks for other respected currencies at really bad exchange rates

    • So what was the solution? Well, we’re off the gold standard? So let’s just print more money!

      • And print, they did… 

    • That printed money was used to buy foreign currency, that foreign currency was used to pay off their war reparations 

  • And soon, Germany was buying foreign currency at any price, bc why not? All they had to do was print more money?

    • So in just a little over a year later, the German Mark was already practically worthless

    • A 50k dollar bill turned into a 500k dollar bill, to a 5m dollar bill, to a 50m dollar bill, to a 500m, to a 5b, to 50b, to 500b, to 5t, to a 50 trillion dollar bill

    • Bills that were worth more of its weight as wood fire than as a medium of exchange

    • A loaf of bread that cost 160 Marks by the end of 1922 skyrocketed to 200 billion marks just a year later

  • Although Germany was one of the most infamous case of hyperinflation, it’s far from the worst

Jul 31, 202324:00
Why Do Chinese Billionaires Keep Disappearing?

Why Do Chinese Billionaires Keep Disappearing?

This is Miles Kwok, an exiled Chinese Billionaire, who at the peak of his career, was the 73rd richest person in China

And this is what he had to say about Jack Ma just 10 months before he “disappeared”

Jul 31, 202318:60
The Suspicious Death of John McAfee

The Suspicious Death of John McAfee

This is John McAfee - the eccentric tech millionaire, playboy, suspected murderer, international fugitive, presidential candidate, crypto enthusiast…

And the same man behind that annoying software called McAfee Antivirus that you probably have installed on your computer right now if you have windows

Leading up to his apparent “taking of his own life”, John has lived a… wild existence to put it nicely

When McAfee was 15, his father took his own life. And when asked about it by ABC 2020 in May 2017, just 4 years before his own apparent “taking of his own life”, this is what he had to say about it:

"dad suicide when he was 15, people always look at the past to predict the present, it doesn't work that way"

June 9, 2019, while saying he was trapped in Cuba, McAfee tweets this warning.

“I've collected files on corruption in governments. For the first time, I'm naming names and specifics. I'll begin with a corrupt CIA agent and two Bahamian officials. Coming today. If I'm arrested or disappear, 31+ terrabytes of incriminating data will be released to the press.”

July 23, 2019

McAfee was arrested at a port in the Dominican Republic

October 3, 2020

McAfee was arrested at an airport in Spain while trying to flee the country to Turkey. The US wanted to extradite him on tax evasion charges.

His manager takes to McAfee’s Twitter account to post another warning:

“If John misses his next check-in, events will be set into motion that I cannot prevent once they have begun. John has secreted data with individuals across the world. I know neither their identities or locations. They will release their payloads if John goes missing.”

Nov 30, 2019

McAfee gets the word “WHACKD” tattooed on his arm with the following tweet:

“Getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying, in effect: "We're coming for you McAfee! We're going to kill yourself". I got a tattoo today just in case. If I suicide myself, I didn't. I was whackd. Check my right arm.”

$WHACKD also happens to be a meme coin he made, available only on, a site that is no longer up

June 15, 2021

After 8 months in a Spanish prison prison, this video was released:

Jun 20, 2021, five days later

John’s wife releases this message on Twitter:

“John’s honesty has often gotten him in trouble with corrupt governments and corrupt government officials because of his outspoken nature and his refusal to be extorted, intimidated or silenced. Now the US authorities are determined to have John die in prison to make an example of him for speaking out against the corruption within their government agencies…”

And just three days after his wife’s prophetic tweet…

Antivirus pioneer John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison

Colin and Robby: John McAfee Found Dead After Predicting He Would Be KILLED, MIRRORS Epstein Mystery

John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison after his extradition to the US was approved

Antivirus creator John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison

And within minutes of this news breaking, his official Instagram account posted this cryptic picture with no caption, referencing the online group that starts with Q and ends with a non, that YouTube doesn’t like people mentioning

His IG is has now taken down

Did he off himself? Could he, as a 75 year old man with deteriorating health, not take it anymore? Or did the US government have something to do with it? Or maybe it was some other corrupt government officials around the world he managed to piss off?

This is the ridiculous, bizarre, strange rise & suspicious death… of John McAfee

Jul 31, 202319:07
Scamming poor people out of $4,000,000,000

Scamming poor people out of $4,000,000,000

Meet Jho Low. At just 28 years old he managed to steal over $4.4b in straight cash from the Malaysian government. Making him have more spending power than anyone else on Earth.

This is the story of how an average teenager from an average town became an international playboy, financed the Wolf of Wall street movie, bought his very own private jet, stole billions from a sovereign wealth fund, becoming a global fugitive in the process that’s still on the run, all before his 35th birthday. 

Let me explain…

Jho Low was born into a well off family. Not the billionaire kinda rich, but the I-send-my-kids-to-international-boarding-school kinda rich. 

His family put a lot of importance on education and sent him to some of the best schools in England and the US. 

Which meant Jho Low rubbed shoulders with actual wealthy families: Middle Eastern royalty, old money trust fund babies, and the kinda kids that would expect a supercar and performance by Britney Spears for their birthday.

But despite going to the same school, Jho never really felt like he belonged. 

When his friends came to visit him in Malaysia, he used his dad’s friends houses and luxury yachts to pretended they were his own. 

He made friends with other Malaysian rich kids. 

And he even called himself the “Malaysian prince” at school. 

All Jho Low ever wanted was to be accepted into high society. 

He spent hours researching “cool” music and hairstyles, blew off school, and did anything he could to make his rich friends respect him more. 

But it was never enough. He was still an outsider. 

So, when he graduated, he decided to change that. He used his years of lying, faking being rich, and doing anything to fit in with the elites, to set up his very own business that would one day make him a billionaire. 

You see, his life among the wealthy elite had taught him one thing: Wealth and influence, or even just the appearance of it, opened doors. 

And this lesson would make Jho Low one of the greatest conmen the world had ever seen. 

Jul 31, 202314:51
DuPont: The Most Evil Business in the World

DuPont: The Most Evil Business in the World

So you’re DuPont in the late 1930s. You’re a chemical company that’s been around for more than 100 years. 

Any company that’s existed for that amount of time should have made a name for itself ages ago, but even though you’re doing well, you just haven’t popped off yet

That’s until 1938, when a doctor accidentally discovers a material called Teflon, that’s so versatile, so useful, so unbelievable, that it changes the course of DuPont forever:

You know, teflon! The stuff used in non-stick pans. 

Made with a chemical called C8, teflon revolutionized the cooking industry for people all over the world

And teflon and C8 went on to be used in a ton of other consumer goods

Popcorn bags, waterproof rain jackets, dental floss, food containers, makeup, and pizza boxes all had some form of C8 or its derivatives in them. 

The only problem was that C8 and most of the chemicals like it are extremely toxic, and are what’s known as forever chemicals, because they never break down - but what the public doesn’t know… they’ll keep buying! So we’ll keep this to ourselves… 

So C8 became widely used in a bunch of products that come in contact with people’s food

And making C8 takes a lot of work, a lot of work that produces a lot of chemical waste that we have to get rid of somewhere? So why not dump it the waterways around our factories

I mean come on, you’re not gonna pay for expensive and responsible chemical waste disposal, when there’s a perfectly good river right next to your factory?

So over the decades, C8 spread from the rivers, into farms, into tap water, into the animals we eat, and ultimately, into us

To where today, 99.7% of Americans have C8 in their bloodstream

With C8 being linked to at least 6 diseases including testicular cancer and kidney cancer

So how did an obscure chemical company get into the bloodstream of nearly every single American? And most importantly, how did they get away with it? Just asking for a friend

This is how DuPont poisoned the world.

Jul 31, 202320:28
Recycling is literally a scam

Recycling is literally a scam

So you’re a plastics company. You’ve teamed up with oil companies to create a miracle product that can do pretty much anything. 

It’s cheap, durable, easily accessible, and easy to mass produce - what more could you ask for?

And by the 1980’s, you’re in your prime.

The only problem is, plastics can’t be destroyed. They just keep on piling up, and up, and up!

Now this is actually not a problem for you - the more plastic that piles up, means the more plastic you’re selling.

But the real problem, is the general public. 

See, the masses crave to feel that they’re good people, that they’re the righteous ones, the moral ones, fighting against evil

And polluting the planet with plastic trash that takes upwards of half a millenia to decompose makes you an easy target for the plebs

In their eyes, you’re the evil scapegoats. So the general public starts protesting the plastics industry.

Now, this is bad. Because you know that the success of anything: political movements, educational movements, businesses, entire industries (including the plastic industry), rely on the approval of the public. 

If the public turns on you, you’re done. 

So you need to come up with a solution. Something that will change the public’s perception of plastic. Something that will allow them to keep consuming plastic without feeling guilty about themselves for destroying the planet. 

The only problem is, most plastic is literally not recyclable.

It’s not just that you can’t recycle plastic, It’s that the process is so expensive and labor intensive, that making new plastic will always be cheaper. 

So you settle for the next best thing:

This is the recycling symbol created in 1970

And this is the “Resin Identification Code” - a symbol created by the plastics industry in 1988.

A symbol that’s on almost every piece of plastic you buy today.

Now if you’re saying to yourself “that symbol looks shockingly similar to the official recycling symbol?” You’d be correct, because that was by design

A design to intentionally deceive the general public into believing that the plastic you buy is recyclable 

Yes, recycling is a literal lie, concocted by the plastics industry, to sell you more plastic - and, it worked.

And this is how it was pulled off.

Jul 31, 202317:12
The CIA’s Plot to Assassinate Julian Assange

The CIA’s Plot to Assassinate Julian Assange

Date: 2017

Target: Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks

Location: The Ecuadorian Embassy in London

Objective: Kill or capture.

Origins of this order: from ⁠“the highest levels”⁠ of the US Government & CIA

Normally, a target like Assange would be easy. Grab him on his way home from work, or shoot him as he walks to get his morning coffee. 

The only problem was Assange did none of those things. He hadn’t done any of those things in years. 

For 5 years Julian Assange had been hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy in London. 

Killing him there or sending in the police would go against international law and be a foreign relations disaster. 

So the CIA had to concoct another plan.

First they discussed secretly kidnapping him from the embassy and bringing him back to America. But that would make it obvious America broke the law.

So they changed tactics: kidnap him, turn him over to the British, that way no one would know who was behind it then, right? 

But there was still the chance he wouldn’t be extradited if the British police got him. 

Eventually, they got so desperate that they had no choice: they discussed the unthinkable… Well, the unthinkable for everyone else, very thinkable for the CIA.

Going against every international law, they contemplated assassinating Julian Assange in the embassy where he lived. Poison, snipers, sending in assassins, nothing was off the table. 

But then came another variable the US didn’t plan for: the Russians

Realizing the CIA would want to get rid of Assange, they decided to do the opposite. They would help him escape to Russia.

Afterall, they didn’t grant Edward Snowden asylum out of the goodness of their hearts? But bc it was a great way to humiliate the US. Doing the same for Assange would be another great victory.

The CIA finds out about the Russians’ plans, so they scrap their kill or capture plans, and now contemplate how they would intercept a Russian extraction. 

If the Russians were going to help him escape by car, ⁠the CIA would crash into it with their own vehicle, and then grabbing him⁠, while ⁠prepared for a firefight in the ⁠process.

If the Russians were going to fly him out, ⁠they would get the British police to shoot out the plane’s wheels⁠ before it could take off to Moscow.

The US, UK, and Russian intelligences were in a race to see who would get to Julian Assange first. 

⁠“It got to the point where every human being in a three-block radius [of the embassy in London] was working for one of the intelligence services — whether they were street sweepers or police officers or security guards.”⁠

The question is, why? Why was this one man so feared by the US Government that they were “completely detached from reality” [Source: Yahoo! News], that they were concocting plans to kidnap or assassinate him within a foreign embassy in a foreign country? What does it take to get to the top of the CIA’s hitlist? I’m only asking for a friend…

Jul 31, 202318:53
BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World

BlackRock: The Company that Owns the World

During the 2008 Meltdown when the government bailed out too-big-to-fail giants like Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac - who did they hire to analyze and clean up the mess?

Another giant financial firm by the name of BlackRock, lead by a very well connected billionaire by the name of Larry Fink

⁠⁠BlackRock was award these key government contracts to help with the meltdown with no competitive bidding while being enveloped in secrecy⁠⁠

Basically, Larry Fink was hired to be the manager of Washington’s bailout of Wall Street, even though BlackRock is one of the biggest shareholders in ⁠⁠the same banks that they were helping to bail out.⁠⁠

Making him the most powerful man of the post-bailout economy

Fast forward to the 2020 pandemic, and who did the money printer of the US, the Federal Reserve, hire to manage their scheme to buy corporate bonds?⁠⁠ ⁠⁠(Basically, they were bailing out corporations that had too much debt to withstand the pandemic)⁠⁠

You guessed it, ⁠⁠they went right back to BlackRock.⁠⁠

Even though again, the same corporations BlackRock was helping to bailing out, were the same corporations they owned some of the biggest stakes in

Larry Fink was the most powerful man in the of the post-bailout economy, and now, he’s arguably one of the powerful men of the post-pandemic economy

And yet, despite all his considerable power, the general public has practically never heard of Larry Fink

With BlackRock barely coming into the public eye during ⁠⁠the recent claims that they’re buying up single family homes⁠⁠

That’s because Larry is smart - he’s intentionally kept it that way

He’s spent the last 33 years building BlackRock into the biggest asset manager in the world, with over ⁠⁠$9 trillion dollars⁠⁠ under their management, not billion, trillion with a T

Today, BlackRock’s clients include the retirement accounts of average everyday people in the form of pension funds, they also have sovereign wealth funds as their clients, other central banks, college endowments, “Fortune 500 companies”, and millions of individual investors

They’re the one of the top shareholders of many of the biggest publicly traded companies like ⁠⁠Apple⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Microsoft⁠⁠, ⁠⁠Facebook⁠⁠, and even other major banks like ⁠⁠Wells Fargo⁠⁠ and ⁠⁠Chase⁠⁠

And to put their $9 trillion dollars into perspective, the largest 300 pension funds in the world only hold a collective $6 trillion

Vanguard, the behemoth behind mutual funds and ETFs trails behind BlackRock with only $7.1 trillion under management

And if you put the Big Three asset management firms together, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, they control a collective $15 trillion dollars, roughly equivalent to nearly 70% of ⁠⁠the US’s GDP⁠⁠

And Larry Fink has done all of this - largely in the shadows, with just a few occasional interviews and ⁠⁠appearances on CNBC⁠⁠

⁠⁠“He’s like the Wizard of Oz, The man behind the curtain.”⁠⁠ As William Cohan puts it, a former investment banker and author of House of Cards, an account of the Bear Stearns collapse

This is BlackRock

What some call "the most influential financial institution in the world,"

The world's largest⁠⁠ shadow bank⁠⁠,

And perhaps… the company that owns the world… 

When Larry Fink was asked by Bloomberg if it’s true that he’s the most powerful man in finance - the man responsible for $9 trillion dollars tried to convince you otherwise - that ⁠⁠“I don’t think of myself as powerful”⁠⁠

Is that true? Does BlackRock own the world? Well, it’s a little complicated

Jul 31, 202316:12
Shell: The Most Evil Company in the World

Shell: The Most Evil Company in the World

So you’re Shell in the 1990s, one of the world’s biggest oil companies.

You’ve been exploiting Nigeria’s oil reserves for a few decades now... without caring too much about the environmental damage you’ve been causing.

But now you’re facing a problem…

The people in Ogoniland - a region in southeast Nigeria with large oil reserves - have had enough of your business.

And you can’t blame them. Oil spills and decades of waste dumping have polluted their water supplies.

People are forced to drink cancer-causing substances with every sip of water.

Plus, farming and fishing have become impossible. Many men can no longer feed their families.

Now that you’ve destroyed their lands... made them sick... and killed their source of income, a few stubborn protesters want you out of their country.

That’s not good, because if you lose control of Nigeria, you lose out on billions in oil

So what do you do? You call your best friend, the Nigerian government.

See, during this time, Shell was so powerful in Nigeria that they had the entire military at their beck and call

Yes, a private multinational corporation had an entire country’s military in their pocket - which is kinda like Amazon having the US military at their beck and call - and Shell wasted no time putting them to use

You tell the military to strike at the protesters with force, no matter the cost.

The result?

Widespread bloodshed - A full-blown assault on protestors that could only be described by onlookers as “like an invading army that had vowed to take the last drop of the enemy’s blood”

80 Nigerians dead, and almost 600 houses burned down - all in the name of protecting Shell’s bottom line in Nigeria.

But Shell's fight against its opposition was far from over - and they were gonna keep fighting as dirty as possible

This is the story of how one oil giant sucked a country dry for all it’s got while leaving a wake of death, devastation, and misery in its path

This is the story of how Shell stole Nigeria.

Jul 15, 202316:32